Google+ Raising a Trilingual Child: Traveling with multilingual kids


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Traveling with multilingual kids

Today's post is a little different. I took part in the Multicultural Kid Blogs' Vlogging Telephone. The topic of today's "video phone discussion was "Travel with kids".  

Participants, MKB bloggers, asked each other questions. In my video I answered a question from Olena of  Bilingual Kids Rock

What games do you play with your kids to keep them entertained while traveling to your destination by airplane, bus, train or car?

Here is my answer:

In the video I ask Mari from Inspired by Familia to tell us about the funniest travel situation her family have ever had.



  1. Love how you use the opportunity to play language games. Such a lot of great, no-equipment travel games are language based. And of course it works no matter how many languages your kids speak.

  2. I also liked how all you games is fun interaction with kids. It is so good for their minority language and as a bonus you can "pack light":)
