Google+ Raising a Trilingual Child: Good Reads: books about Prostokvashino by Uspensky. Read or watch cartoons with English subtitles.


Monday, June 16, 2014

Good Reads: books about Prostokvashino by Uspensky. Read or watch cartoons with English subtitles.

If you ask any child in Russia, who is Uncle Fedor, there is a big chance you will receive an answer that’s full of excitement!
Uncle Fedor is a little but very independent boy, who left the house together with his new friend - the cat. This cat not only speaks people's language and cross-stitches, but also knows the proper way to eat an open-face sandwich so it tastes better!
This wonderful story was written by Eduard Uspensky in 1973. Almost 30 years ago! And it is still loved by children.

You can also find it translated in many other languages:

English: Uncle Fedya, His Dog, and His Cat
German: Onkel Fjodor, der Hund und der Kater
Russian:  Дядя Федор, Пес и Кот
Serbian: Cika Fjodor, pas i macak Djadja
Finnish: Fedja-setä kissa ja koira
Swedish: Fjodor på rymmen

Other books from the series (in Russian):

Каникулы в Простоквашино
Зима в Простоквашино
Дядя Федор идет в школу
Тетя дяди Федора
Любимая девочка дяди Федора
Новые порядки в Простоквашино

Did you know that there are also cartoons about Prostokvashino (Простоквашино)?

Watch Prostokvashino with English subtitles!

Дядя Фёдор, пёс и кот (1975)
Трое из Простоквашино (1978)
Каникулы в Простоквашино (1980)
Зима в Простоквашино (1984)
Весна в Простоквашино (2010)

If you have already read these great books by Uspensky, check out the list of Russian language children's books  on the website and stop by to see what other international families and friends of Multicultural Kid Blogs have to recommend in the Read Around the World Summer Reading Series .  This summer bloggers from all over the world will share their recommendations of great multicultural books for the entire family!

Good reading time to everyone!

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