We were asked to give our honest opinion about "Animal Names and Sounds in Russian", a book written by Russian Step by Step.
Here is our verdict:
1. It is a very colorful book that surely will attract your child's attention. Book that is exciting for children!
My children discovered the book right away. I received it while they were at school and left it on the living room table. We return back home after a long day outside the house. First school, then a music lesson. I was on the kitchen preparing the food, while kids went to play. And there I see them running in with something in their hands and hear them saying: "Mama! Let's look at all these books!" The older one, who got a coloring book, adds: "Please, give me the markers!"
2. Easy to use both for children and parents
Kids started using the book before I had a chance to say anything. They looked at the animals, read their names, pointed who is who on the pictures. You can imagine how happy I was to hear them reading aloud :)
This is a good article to read, if you are also teaching your child to read: 7 principles to keep in mind while teaching your child to read)
See it yourself. Sorry for the background noise, we are in the kitchen :)
For parents there is a short guideline at the beginning of the book on how to use it with your child. This book is easy to use for both Russian and non-Russian speakers.
3. The book will keep your child's attention.
The meal was ready fast and we did not have a lot of time to work with the books the first day kids have seen it. I was wondering , if the children would remember about the book next day. And ... they did!
Just shortly after we arrive from school I found my daughter back at the kitchen table with a pan in her hand "coloring" the dog.
This book is actually consist of two parts: the actual book with colorful pictures of animals and names and sounds they make ; and a coloring book with questions to ask your child, as well as a guideline for parents. This is a great book to have in your child’s library!
Looking for books for children in Russian?
Have you already seen this list of children's books in Russian?
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